Hello kids!
I'll first introduce myself as a simple no one. Perhaps one of these days I'll find myself an admirable pen name.
Vox Sententia, translates from Latin as 'Voice of Thought [opinion, way of thinking, or meaning]. Last semester I took a music history class that carried us through the working of the Gregorian free chants of the medieval era. It was beautiful; exploring the rich emptiness of melismatic acapella, the text delivered in one of the purest of the earth's languages...
I've always had an interest in Latin, the root of our English language. It has a glorious ability to capture the essence of a grand and magnificent thought in the simplicity of one or two words. That's genius.
As is mentioned in the 'about me' section to the right of this post, my thoughts are a mess. Chaos. But take note, I also mentioned that I came here to write. The majority of Vox Sententia will consist of my literary works, with only the occasional un-thought-out post of rambling. But I will try at least to keep those entertaining as well.
My goal I suppose is for my writing to somewhat represent the Latin language. I hope that my every written word (or, for the most part) will reflect deep importance in weaving the whole. I have brought myself and my work here so that I can turn my chaos into meaning, into organized sententia. Your job, as a reader, is to help me.
Vestri Socius.
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